Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chillin' with Cousins

Kie and Drew

Kade and Miley

Kenzie and Miley
My Becca (sister) had surgery 2 weeks ago and
she has been pretty immobile so i've been trying to pitch in and do my part
for her and her children. There are 4 of them but the older 2 are usually at school so
i seem to capture mostly the younger in photos. We have loved offering our services and
cuddling those cute lil' munchkins!
**just a note- check out how sweet and gentle my Kade is with the baby. He has a heart of gold!


  1. Thank you bunches and bunches to you sis! The service and love you give to everyone is uncomprehensible to me. You are truly one on the Lord's side. You are an inspiration to me and all who are around you. I love you and your family so much!

  2. hey, i had a great big sister to show me the way! can never thank you enough for your example! never!
