Monday, February 1, 2010

Our Family Traditions

We pride ourselves in Tradition.

We have a few of em...

One that we don't exactly look forward to
is .....

OUr AnNual

" Put SomEthiNg Up YouR NoSe ActivitY"

You may remember one of my first entries

Buried Pirate Treasure

Where Kade had, for the 3rd time,  stuck something,
(tiny gold pirate coins to be exact), up his nose.

That day i discovered how not to go to the Dr.s'  when
this happens. 

I refused to go in fear of being labeled the

"Grossy Family"

Kenzie had done it  once before that and we ended up in E.R.


Kie did it today.

Uh huh.

With popcorn kernals.


not one...

but two popcorn kernals.

(this is before I noticed her messin with her nose and
discovered  a second kernal up there!)

When we start a tradition...

Darn It.....

We stick to it!

on a slightly cooler note....

Amber is the giveaway winner!!!!

congrats!  e mail me your address please!


did  this just happen???

Yes, yes it did.

and she has been eating doritos...

so the whole mouth on hers...


1 comment:

  1. OK, so how'd you get them out this time? It seems like you used the Dyson one time on Kade??? You just never know what they'll do.
